Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Saturday, February 26, 2011


New blogger! Kyle Bob Barker (no relation) has decided to start blogging with us. I know Janelle has plenty of enjoyment for new people.

I have more things to write later; I'll just edit this post and add them. Right now, Kyle is going to go comment on my comment on his blog.

I can always feel how tired I am right behind my sternum and hanging on my collarbones. I can feel it like a rip in my being and an ache like my soul is slowly separating from whatever ties it to me. I can feel it like a pressing reminder that I am not immortal.


  1. Wait . . . so the middle name is Robert? Really? That explains everything.



  2. It's just that . . . you two seem similar. I know Shakespeare once asked "What's in a name?" and I think there is something, after all, in a name.

    That's as clear an answer as you're going to get, I think. It's after midnight.

  3. OR lol it could be that we've just been friends for a long time and people tend to rub off on each other eventually lol. but the name thing is possible. Yes, my middle name is robert, although that is irrelevant in my being dubbed 'Kyle-Bob'.

  4. The whole "they were born similar" versus "people tend to rub off on each other eventually" is like, "Which came first-- the chicken or the egg?" except harder because the chicken clearly came first.

    Anyway. Hello, Kyle-Bob.
