Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


With groaning and gnashing and gnawing of teeth--High School.

I slowed down to a walk where she could see me. InnerRobby spoke up. "This is retarded. The chances of her even looking this way are astronomical. She's talking to someone else."
OuterRobby rebutted: "I'm not doing this for her. But if she does happen to notice, that's none of my concern."
Inner Robby said "And even if she does look at you, her emotion will be closer akin to aversion than to arousal."
"Ooh, good alliteration."
"I know! I was so proud of it when I thought of it."
OuterRobby frowned a bit. "Well, she didn't see me. Shall we walk by again?"
InnerRobby shrugged. "It's your funeral."
So I walked a bit more. Once, maybe twice. I did a double take each time I turned around, like I had forgotten something. Something important enough to turn around for, but certainly nothing to hurry for. As I walked, I kept an eye on her just to see if she'd look up. I had to be surreptitious for fear that, if she actually looked at me, I would just appear weird. Play it casual, OuterRobby. Be cool.
After three laps and no response, I reformulated. Perhaps if . . .? But no.
InnerRobby came back to poke fun at me as I walked away in shame.
"No game, man. You have no game."


  1. And if anybody posts uplifting comments, keep them please in the context of this: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh this is stinking highschool, a place where "game" is surgically removed and replaced with shame, and you know it.

    So put that in a pipe and smoke it. I am trying to go back to depressing things (they are more fun to write) but you all are being quite friendly and nice and making it difficult.

  2. Well, then. How about: "I know what this feels like."

    I love the acknowledgement of the alliteration.

    I can do critical, if you want. But why bother? You're already so good at it.

  3. Ha. Ha ha! Ha ha HA!

    I haven't done that in a while (probably about two years). And you've got to know that everyone else is just wondering what in the world you are doing--walking in circles--but that one person, the only one who matters, doesn't even take the time to notice your insanity. Ha! Love it! (Frustration galore!)

  4. Yeah. Whenever I want to turn around and go back I ALWAYS do the "I forgot something doubletake." It is basically law now.

  5. I usually just stand there and STARE.

    And then I pretend I don't see them when they look up to find the creeper.

    Super entertaining.

  6. That's fun to do in traffic jams. (Except you don't look away. You just watch them get more and more uncomfortable as they try to ignore you.)

  7. Oh, I understand how this is as well.

    Anyway, let's just state that I hated high school. Liked academy, hated high school. There IS a difference. Especially sophomore year. *sigh*

  8. I think it's safe to say that 1. every one has been a creeperish at ONE point in their lives (usually high school) and 2. everyone hated high school.

  9. I didn't hate high school. I liked it. You know, the way you, Robby, like Dr. Who. If you remember. You might not remember what I'm talking about. But I don't want to misquote you.

  10. I don't remember. I say so many things that I forget a few, so sue me.

  11. You said Dr Who was like a cute girl you like but are afraid to talk to, or something like that. That was my relationship with high school.

  12. Ah. Well, I can see myself saying that. It sounds wise beyond my years, and yet I know that can't be the case.

