Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Sunday, March 20, 2011


[I changed the format for commenting so you don't have to enter a very annoying captcha each time if you have a google account. Hopefully that eases y'alls lives.]

Allow me
to introduce myself,
throw you into
infinite hell,
beat you down
in record time,
and take your happiness;
make it mine.

I kick butt.
I take names.
I play with fire.
I don't play games.
I am awesome,
pure, and clean.
I am angst;
I'm seventeen.


  1. I absolutely adore the last stanza and wish it wasn't dependent on the rhyme with "seventeen."

    If you have any friends named "Heather Smeen," she can take the last stanza and I will have no problem with it.

  2. Oh my word, this is absolutely beautiful. I love this so very much and sort of want to print it out and put it on my wall, but that would be creepy, and I definitely don't want to be creepy, so maybe I'll just memorize it . . . oh wait. :-P

  3. Robby, this is wonderful! This is one of the better poems I have read today. (And I have read a lot.) And this is totally seventeen! (I can picture you as such at seventeen.)

    Hmm. Yes, very nice, very nice.

  4. (And thanks for the no captcha thing.)

  5. I'm glad you like it, guys.

    I basically wrote this to have something to put with my announcement that the captcha was off.

    I'm excited about how you guys won't have to type in four things every time you want to write one.
