Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Saturday, March 26, 2011


It's like climbing a mountain (not hating someone). It's arduous, and the mountain itself seems to fight me. The climbing gets harder and harder the closer I come to the summit. Finally, when I think I'm about to fall down from lack of oxygen, I'm there.
I reached the peak. But it's tenuous. It's not easy to stand in the biting wind and not hate someone. It's not easy to persevere without oxygen, food, and water.


  1. This is intense and I think probably also good.

    As a person who's hated people before and gotten over it, I think maybe you might benefit from knowing that what's a struggle now can eventually become a habit, and one day, you might wake up and realize that it's over; you don't have to struggle not to hate anymore.

    Then again, there's one person that I hate whom I sort of . . . love to hate? I still haven't figured out a solution for that.

  2. A hard battle with nature for sure. Glad you made it to the top, although that comes with its own set of hardships.

  3. Sadly, I did not make it to the top. She put her boot in my face and shoved. :(
