Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, March 24, 2011


[I taught again today. I almost wrote that I taut.]

I really didn't want to, but I guess choice has nothing to do with happiness. I'll feel the same if I do what I want or not. I stood up and scraped the blood from my chin. I mean, nobody ever wants to, do they? I mean, if they're mentally stable, anyway. I reached down and picked up my bag to throw it back over my shoulder. At least, I hope not.
I walked away from the other man who lay sprawled on the ground. Apparently after he headbutted me, we both passed out. I came to before he did. I guess that makes me the winner, but I wouldn't have put money on the outcome. But if I'm being completely honest with myself, I did want to. So, if choice has nothing to do with happiness, what is the probability that I will feel happy about this?
My head ached like it was tearing a bit just around the edges. I tried to feel unlucky, but I couldn't. I had gotten myself into this situation on purpose, just to see if I could possibly get myself in a chancy situation. I guess Luck is affected by intent, just like happiness. If you're trying too hard, you can't be happy or lucky.

I walked down the street and headed for the next bar. I stuck my head in and yelled. Two men stood up when I yelled and walked toward me.
I smiled and ducked back into the street and waited for them. Maybe this time. Maybe this time.


  1. "I guess choice has nothing to do with happiness."

    I disagree with that, at least to a point.

    "If you're trying too hard, you can't be happy or lucky."

    I agree with that.

    So let me get this straight: Because he got pulled into a fight he didn't want to be part of, he's going from bar to bar yelling at people and then fighting whoever takes up the challenge like a modern, blue Green Knight? Hmm.

  2. I like this. Especially the ending, LOVE the ending. Superb. (It's been a while since I used that word.)

  3. "But if I'm being completely honest with myself, I did want to. So, if choice has nothing to do with happiness, what is the probability that I will feel happy about this?"

    He didn't get pulled into a fight he didn't want to.

    And thanks, Kyle.

  4. I'm really liking the path this character is taking, but I dislike how he's taking it and I'm not enjoying writing it. I have no idea why. If you guys told me to stop, I would probably keep writing, though! I don't know! This guy is just . . . too much fun to write about.

  5. Lol there are so many parallels there!

    Hmm . . . he wants to fight, then, but he thinks he shouldn't?

    This is truly an interesting character. Please keep writing him if you want to. But also Sherlock sometime? :-) We never got the rest of the mystery.

  6. This guy has some serious unresolved childhood issues.

    I like him. :)

    I also think the ending was brilliant.
