Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Open letter to me, from me.

Dear Robby,

You are the Hindenburg disaster of internet nobodies. Which is not to say that you don't have potential. I mean, the Hindenburg was a great idea, but it was filled with hydrogen, instead of helium, which was idiotic. So the next time you're thinking of having flammable gas be the only thing holding you a mile from the earth, try fewer cigarettes.

Love, me.


  1. Part of my revelation that I still act like the kid I was freshman year of high school. I need to slow down and think about all the things I put online, not just the things I think everyone sees, but the things I know only a few people see.

    This has gotten me into trouble with my professors now, so I'm finally processing it. I am a bit slow at it.

    We all post too much.
    Janelle, we're fine in theory but goodness perhaps we should spend some time outdoors.
    Everybody still loves us. Let's keep it that way.

  2. hahaha, nice. dude, you are far from the irritating little turd you were freshmen year. You are part of the 'cool kids' now. but yes, more outsideness couldn't hurt..

  3. Um, thanks, Kyle?

    And probably not on the Internet. I am pretty hyperactive/overspoken on the Internet. So . . . slowing is good.

  4. Bwahaha wow everybody thinks so highly of Robby...yes. Get outside. The world is waiting.

  5. I agree with your point about us all probably posting too much. If we all post one thing every day, and then we all read everyone else's stuff and then comment . . . that's a lot of time on line. It's good community, don't get me wrong. I rather enjoy it. But I also just took a good 5ish (?) day break from the internet (blogs and e-mail are the only things I do online) and it was really, REALLY nice.

  6. @brooke
    Well, I guess the best way to do it would be to just . . . do what you want. Take a 5 day break if you need to. Stay online if you want.
    I can't control what you do.

    The bwahaha is a nice touch, thanks. It shows your true colors.

  7. Well, certainly. And that's exactly what I've done--exactly as I wished. I certainly woudn't want everyone to do the same--especially not against his(/her) will.

  8. So does that mean it's all about balance?

  9. That is a well preached message.
