Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


[I technically wrote this yesterday, so it counts.]

Role: David
Audience: Mikal
Format: Letter
Topic: The Future

My Dad told me I should write you a letter before I leave home, because you would need it. My mom told me to write you because you would appreciate it. My brother told me to write you because it would make for a spicy wedding night. I don't know if any of them are right.
Here's th thing: a giant is dead. But it was not me. God moved me to it. He powered my limbs. He gave me the willpower. And now I find myself a national hero and a groom to a princess.
So I don't know what you're expecting, but if it's not a scrawny seventeen-year old whose entire experience with women is zero, then you'll be sorely disappointed.
I hope God is with us.
I hope we're happy forever.
I hope I love you.


  1. So basically, you're doing the same assignment Olivia did. :-)

    "Here's th thing: a giant is dead. But it was not me. God moved me to it."

    "I hope God is with us.
    I hope we're happy forever.
    I hope I love you."

    I like this. It sounds sincere. I can imagine David saying this. It's too bad it didn't work out. Why didn't it?

  2. Ah. I like this very much. This sounds like hope. Real hope, not the "I hope doesn't rain today because otherwise I'll get wet and that will suck because it's cold" type of hope.

    I wish it had worked.

  3. Yeah, he had a few too many wives for any of them to be a "happy" marriage. Plus, she got mad at him for dancing naked. After that, nothing is uphill.

  4. "After that, nothing is uphill."

    You know, I think the majority of why the marriage situation was so unhappy is that women were pretty much objects to be bought/sold/won and nothing more. Every time that happens (in the Bible or otherwise), something precious is lost.

    The same thing happened to Jacob and Leah, I think, because Leah was just surplus goods.

  5. hahahaha, I love Lyssa's example of hope. That is priceless. I agree though Robby, this is excellent.

  6. If I didn't say so in class, I like this, Robby. I'd never even thought of this perspective before. Thanks for the insight.

  7. Awesome concept and I love the choice of words. Sounds totally like how a teenage David might have written.
