Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


(3.7) One of these days I'm gonna actually catch up and I won't know what to do with myself.

I wrote a list of questions. It's only fair that I answer those questions.

I would spit.
Yes. Not nearly as well as I ought, but at least I have knives and have considered how to get out of this gorram valley if one end gets blocked.
Run, run, cower, cower, run, shotgun. That about covers it.
I have candy. I need to get party poppers or tiny firecrackers.
Song: Let it Rain, by OK Go. Book: Shut up, son. Can't you see that poppa's readin'? Moment: The moment I knew I loved your mother. Now stop puking and help me with this chore.
I'm going to expose them to WHITE TRASH. I'ma leave them in a white trash community for a few hours. When I come back, they'll never want to have intercourse again.
Wizard. It's crappy at the beginning (OH, TO BE A SORCERER/WIZARD) but when you hit level 20, the power levels aren't even comparable. Be a wizard if you have patience.
I would write them on scraps of paper and burn them.
The Brickinator. Okay, I lied. I'll probably come up with an equally amazing name on the spur of the moment and never regret it. I don't plan for this one, only plan on having the ability to name it.
My parents, God, my inferiority complex, and "the academy with the single omittance of that guy who didn't vote for me. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE."

Your turn.


  1. I like these. They pass, I think.

  2. I don't think you get to be the judge of that. I defer judgement to Kayla, or possibly Katy, or at last resort, Johnathan McArdent of North New Brunswick, Minnesota.

  3. Thus the "I think." Also, the word "Minnesota" gets a song stuck in my head every time.
