Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The dancing monkey was getting on his nerves. Sometimes, he wondered why he had to work with it. Then someone dropped a coin into the hat in front of him and he remembered.

The monkey was good for something.


  1. Hehe, I can totally see it!! Nice.

  2. I don't understand how it's beautiful, but I'll take your word for it. Everybody has different tastes.

  3. Well, if you want to understand:

    1. Beautifully written; concise and with just enough detail
    2. I can picture it, and the monkey is cute
    3. It creates a feeling (admittedly, it's easy to create an emotion in me)
    4. I like the relationship between monkey and guy; it reminds me of my own love/hate relationships
    5. It has both light and shadow in it.

    So, yeah. I'm weird.

  4. Hm. My sister found this:
    And she made the same points you did.

    This piece ^ about the monkey ^ just doesn't really do anything for me emotionally. It's missing a sentence or two to make it really click BUT I DON'T WANT TO FIX IT.

  5. Lol well, you don't have to. It clearly has flaws, but nothing is perfect.

    That poem said exactly how I felt once in prettier language than I use.

    I think I love your sister. She's so right. ^_^
