Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


(3.27, I think) Just found this on an old profile page from Steam. I didn't know I was that clever.
Sarcasm: the way I tell the world that it looks good in that dress.

She backed up and spun a little. "Honey, be honest with me . . ."
Nothing preceded by that phrase has ever not been a trap.
". . . does this dress look good on me?"


"Be positive."

"I'm positive. It's great and your friends will be jealous."

She feels fine because she believes me. I feel like crap because I'm afraid I screwed up.


  1. This vaguely reminds me of how my mom says, "Far be it from me to be a henpecker," when she's about as close to it as muscle is to skin.

  2. Hm. I saw it from the other end? Maybe, if I take your meaning aright.

    I saw it as my inability to be blissfully unaware. Even when I'm happy, I'm still looking for the moments where I failed. I'm still trying to avoid them so doggedly that I destroy the present.
    I think it's why I apologize so much. I want everything to stay in limbo.

  3. And here I was hoping you had a bit of the Mountie in you... oh well.

    They do say that ignorance is bliss and all, but it's only bliss for the ignorant person, not for the hundreds of people who have to watch them (or try to keep them from) making fools of themselves and hurting other people.

    Maybe you just rely on your own strength too much. Remember that whole "abide in Me" thing? Trees aren't constantly checking to see if they're growing right-- they just... grow.

    Just a (half-formed and confusing) thought.

  4. No, it's good. And I do have that problem. I can't give things up to God. I think I once heard "God helps those who help themselves" and thought "that's brilliant" and never looked back.

    I'd still rather be constantly worried about my problems than just letting them simmer without concern of any kind.

  5. Do me a favor. Go to

    and read the footnote to Exodus 3:11. Then come back and tell me what you think.

    Also, please don't bother to tell me how hypocritical I am.

  6. (you may actually want to read the whole chapter while you're at it)

  7. Eloquent.

    What do you expect me to do about it? I've already confronted this problem and admitted its power over me, but it isn't such a pressing concern in my life that I'm willing to do something about it.

  8. What do I expect you to do about it? Stick it on the back burner until you need it, if you ever do.

  9. Hm. Wise enough. I'll try to keep it in mind.

    Moses' mention in Hebrews eleven is insane, too.
    this is something with which I struggle daily.

  10. Personally, I think he did, too.

    Maybe the point is not so much in the winning, but in the struggle. Maybe Yoda was wrong, and there IS "try."
