Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


(3.8) Now that I'm two away again, I want to stop. Let me be brief.

He reached down quickly and carefully and pulled his underpants out of his uncomfort region. He glanced back and forth. Good, no one saw. He looked up again.

The incredibly hot chick across the room was staring at him with wide eyes and a horrified grimace.
Butt horace monkey doodles. Why does this always happen to him?


  1. AHHHH, the pun! The pun! Well, I caught it, even if no one else did. I'm with Janelle - hilarious.

  2. Pun?
    I can't find it.
    ALSO: this kind of crap happens to me a lot.

  3. You mean that wasn't intentional? Hahaha...

  4. Oh shoot, I thought it was absolutely intentional. Hehe, it still made my day!
