Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, March 8, 2010


(3.6) I'm catching up.

Most people don't have plans. "WHATEVER" you may say, but I disagree. People plan for things like pregnancy and college and dentistry. People don't plan for the things that matter.

If you ever found the edge of the earth, what would you do?
What are you doing to prepare for the apocalypse?
Apocalypse: zombies, meteors, nuclear winter, rebirth of dinosaurs, or Miley Cyrus. Have you planned for them all?
Do you store the party supplies in your car for when it turns over 100,000 miles? Will you have learned from the first time and prepare for 123,456?
Do you know what you're going to tell your kids when they ask about your favorite song? Your favorite book? Your favorite moment?
When your kid is old enough to appreciate the opposite sex, do you have a plan for how to scare them out of intercourse? Stories about spikes/poison won't be enough.
If you discovered that magic existed, would you become a wizard or a sorcerer? OR A MAGE?
If the internet was made illegal, what would you do with your bookmarks?
What are you going to name the thing that makes you famous?
Who are you going to thank for your Oscar/Grammy/Nobel?

I know my answers. Your turn.


  1. Do you really want to know, 'cause I have answers for all of them except the 100,000 miles one because I don't have a car, and the one in my future has already celebrated.

    Still, plans change, and sometimes it's good to be spontaneous.

  2. There's a question mark in there somewhere.

  3. Yes, actually. And if yours are good enough, I'll tell you mine.
    I may tell you mine even if yours are batoot.

  4. Lol... okay, then...

    1. Lie down as close to the edge as possible and yodel.
    2. Stockpiling dark chocolate and yoyos.
    3. Try to blend in, hit it with a baseball bat, learn to like skiing, practice my chicken dance, and super soakers, red dye, and flour.
    4. Plan a geocache to the right number, which'll probably be 252,525, pour some Japanese rice beer on the ground, and laugh maniacally while chewing gum.
    5."Stop meowing in my ear." "Stop meowing in my ear." "Stop meowing in my ear."
    6. "It's time to visit the vet."
    7. WIZARD, WIZARD, WIZARD. I guess that would make me a witch, though. "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the caldron boil and bake; Eye of newt, and toe of frog..." See? I'm practicing already.
    8. Weep over them at their funeral.
    9. Chuck.
    10. "I'd like to thank me, myself, and I: me for existing, myself for wanting it so badly, and I for doing all the legwork. The rest of you were useless." Actually, if you want the truth: "I'd like to thank my God, my gold, and my germs. But really, I had nothing to do with the deaths of the other nominees."


  5. These are good, with the exception of the simple fact that a male counterpart of a witch is a warlock. Females can be wizards (in D&D).

  6. I'm glad they pass your inspection. Thanks for the tip. I guess I was thinking JKR.
