Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, March 8, 2010


3.5, for those of you with a keen eye.

He was constantly in the grass.
Whenever he walked with anyone, they would start on the sidewalk. Eventually, he always toed the grass on one side or the other. Sudden turns would push him completely off the concrete. Whenever he was with two friends, he would walk behind.
It wasn't on purpose. He was a follower, that's all.


  1. I tend to walk in curved lines. Sometimes I'm on the grass, and sometimes on the pavement. I'm always making people trip. Sorry, people.

  2. I've noticed this before and just finally wrote it.
    You know, I have to tell you something: I have come to expect your daily comment and when you didn't comment during break I was afraid for your well-being.
    Then I found out about Hawaii and I did not WORRY and rather ENVIED.

  3. I'm sorry. I missed you guys, and I opened up a word document and wrote to you all. All of my blogposts were typed on it... can you spell OCD?

    It figures. Everyone hears "Hawaii" and all those other words, like "tsunami" and "sunburn" and "sharks" just float right by...

  4. Don't care. Tsunami is relatively avoidable (if you have 2 IQ points and an internet connection) sunburn is avoidable (if you remember that the ocean is for newbs) and sharks are easily avoidable (if you remember that they don't have lungs). It's like those horror movies that have SHARKS! Well, get out of the water, for gosh's sake.
