Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Sheryl sits in the back of the class and gives up on him. No, she does. Trust me. She gives up on him because he sits in the front of the class and doesn't give a crap what she thinks. Plus he talks to other women while she's around and never really respects her opinion, so what does she care about him? Nothing, that's what. Nothing. He makes inappropriate jokes and hurts other people and never apologizes for what he says and he's alive, damn him, and that makes him just so desirable to her, so Sheryl sits in the back of the class and tries ever so hard give up on him.

If she ever does, it will be a miracle.


  1. I am fascinated by this Sheryl/Sharon situation I keep seeing snatches of in your head.

    This amuses me.

    I'm not sure what questions to ask.

  2. Yes. Isn't that the name of the girl who tries to pick up guys the way guys pick up girls?

  3. Yes. You'll forgive me if I miss the connection.

  4. There's nothing to forgive. I'm being obtuse.
