Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Saturday, April 7, 2012


There was one moment today in which I said to myself "Thank you, God--"
I almost lost it.

If there hadn't been a crowd there, I would have (blubbering and snotty, covered in fake blood and shame, rolling on the ground in agonized praise of a man/God who died. For me? Yes, me) cried until I had no more.


  1. I completely understand. But, for me, it happened when I was going between the end of my part in Pilate's and the beginning of my part in Gethsemane. Also, when I was watching Resurrection--a little girl behind me whispered, "Mommy, why is she sad? Is it because Jesus died?" and I did cry. So, yeah, I get it.

    Thanks for writing this.

  2. You're welcome. It was more for Sonrise peeps than anybody else, you know?

  3. I do know. And I'm pretty sure there's plenty who understand.
