Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Harvey saw her again when he was walking down the hall. She smiled like she owned him and it sent the good shivers through him. He felt so good to be wanted that he stopped even though he was late to class because he needed to soak her up.
"Hey, Erica. What are you doing here?"
"I have class here, stupid."
Desire shot through him like a torch in a cave, bouncing around and lighting his insides. He felt it fill his chest and press on his backbone. He coughed and looked carefully at her eyes.


  1. Just so you know . . .
    This post I tried to write yesterday but actually fell asleep with my iphone in my hands. I just saved it and went to bed.
    Now that I read it, it's a complete thought (if you don't think about it too hard).

    Kind of just a word picture.

  2. It seems complete enough to me.

    It also feels sad, and I'm not sure I can articulate why.

    Get more sleep, yeah?

  3. You both get more sleep, yeah?

    This one made me feel a little sad. He's so hopeful that he doesn't even notice how she sort of despises him. (Or, at least, so it seems.)

  4. I'm not sure that she despises him, but I think it can definitely (definitely) be read that way.

    Tone is important.

    Belonging to someone is rather wonderful, though, if that someone belongs to you, too.

  5. Yeah, it was meant to be good, and I fell asleep, so it's now bittersweet. Strange how that happens.
