Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, April 23, 2012


[Three posts in fewer than twenty four hours? How could I?]

I like the smell of books. I like holding them to my nose and fluttering the pages in front of me. I like buying used books from stores full of paper and smelling them before I read them.
I like the feel of words. I like paper so thin or print so heavy that the ink itself rises from the paper and leaves an indelible mark even a blind person could love.
I like the sight of books. I like watching them all lined up on a shelf. I like knowing that even though they don't move, they are filled with page after page of movement. I like knowing that despite their chaos of size and color, they all share the uniformity of being what they are: books.
I hate the thought of books. I hate that they can be tools for evil or harm. I hate that they can spread false ideas. I hate that people can read them and get the wrong idea.


  1. "Hate" is such a strong word next to "like."

  2. Wow, I feel pretty much all those exact things, too. But I don't think I could have worded them nearly so well. Thanks for putting my own feelings into words along with your own! I especially liked the line about the thinness of paper and thickness of ink. So true! Both are special.

  3. Your tactile descriptions are spot-on. Thank you. Books can be scary, yes, but they can also be tools for good or healing, etc. I liked this.

  4. You are strange...but..then again, so am I :P

  5. Aren't all of us a little strange?

  6. I'm pretty sure everybody is their own kind of strange.

  7. Well, some kinds of strange appear more socially acceptable than others.
