Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, April 16, 2012


Life had a way of getting me down. Then life killed that way, and I grew sadder. I suppose I have good friends, but so much else to complain about. My house is terrible. My food is terrible. The rain is terrible. The sun is terrible. My tail is terrible.
Plus, it's only buttoned on.

Pretty much the only thing that isn't terrible: complaining.
-- Eeyore


  1. Other donkeys have pins.

    Anyway. This is well done and sad and also I like Eeyore even though he's sad.

    Is putting a name to it a cause or effect?

  2. Poor Eeyore, he has a hard life. You captured his voice perfectly.

  3. He's quite American. I mean, not to say anything against Canadians, but they seem to not have the knack of complaint, or the predilection to entitlement.
    Y'all need to work on that.

  4. Yeah, I wish I didn't complain as much. But the much bigger problem (for me) is figuring out the line between complaining and legit explaining in order to find an explanation or ask for help. Hmm.

    Eeyore does have a hard life; he's trying to be stoic, isn't he? It's not working, but that doesn't mean he isn't trying. Part of me wonders though, why he doesn't ever try to change his house or his food. Maybe he can't, maybe the effort isn't worth it--but maybe he could and it would be.

    I was also excited to see that there was a b because that meant there was an a, and this made me happy.

  5. I don't think it's his fault.
    He can't see it.

  6. Ah, that is a very real possibility.
