Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I feel small, where I once felt large. I'm swimming, but my tiny limbs hardly make a difference. When I'm trying to plow through my life, my miniscule legs spin me deeper into my ruts.

[I think I figured out what happened to you all's blogs? But I'm still working on it. You disappear one at a a time and I can't find your posts on my rss feeds anymore.]


  1. That's really strange. The posts disappearing, I mean.

  2. I've only just cleaned out my Google Reader enough to get back to reading some of my Creative Writing buddies posts again. And I haven't completely disappeared, but I haven't been staying very current on my creative writing blog since I'm now posting mostly on Jonathan's and my Korea blog at the moment. But during the month of April I'm doing a writing challenge on the creative writing blog, so you should be seeing more posts on there for at least a month. If you still have that in your RSS feeds that is.

  3. I'm glad you guys are here!

    Robby, again, I resonate. And am sorry.

  4. It's okay, I haven't posted in like a week or so. But, yeah, this post resonates.

  5. Yeah. Ali, yours was the only one that DID show up, so I was glad to see you blogging.

    Sorry it resonates. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

  6. Why wouldn't you? it's a necessary part of the process. Without it, nothing changes, happiness remains elusive, life passes.

    It hurts, and it's frustrating. But it is life.

  7. That seems like lie. Not everybody has to feel this.

    This earth is broken.
    Why do we accept it like it's truth? Certainty? No. I choose to not feel like this.
